Good afternoon. In an effort to make parent drop off safer for students in the morning, we will be sending parent traffic around the building and dropping off at the music room door. We ask that parents drop off at cones 6, 5, & 4 (similar to parent pickup). This should spread parents out along the loop and keep students from crossing moving traffic in the morning.
Per our statement last week, close contact status for our students concludes this weekend and students can return to school Monday September 20th! We can't wait!
We will post the bell times and period schedule tomorrow afternoon (Friday). Students who did not receive a laptop due to being absent can pick theirs up tomorrow (Friday) between 10:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. in the main office. Students who are quarantined can have a parent or guardian come in to get the device.
There will be no middle school sports (games or practices) tomorrow or next week during remote. We are attempting to reschedule accordingly. Thank you
We are currently preparing for remote learning. We will post student schedules (expectations for logging in) by grade level on the website. Many of these expectations will also be shared in homeroom and grade level meetings today. I will continue to post information under our "NEWS" section (for example, laptop pick up times for those who did not get one etc.). Thank you very much for your patience and understanding.
There will be an open house for NEW students (incoming 5th graders and new transfer students) on August 25th from 5:30-7:00. This is an informal event so parents and students can come and leave at any point in the evening. Thank you!
The 8th grade closing ceremony has been moved outside to Pottle Field. Students will sit on the field and parents and guests can utilize the grandstand or bring their own chair to sit around the grandstand. The time is the same, 6:30. Since we will be outside (forecast is around 85 degrees) there will be no ticket requirements.
8th grade students (except baseball and softball) will need to be picked up at HHS tomorrow at the end of the day 2:10. 8th graders will be leaving HMS around 1:10 to watch a show choir performances in the HHS auditorium. 8th graders riding buses at the end of the day will be able to board their bus at HHS as usual.
The parking lot will be closed this afternoon (5/28) until two o'clock. Parents and Guardians please do not come until after two as we will be "Hiking for Haiti" around the building. Thank you
Just a reminder of some date changes for the end of the year, specifically at HMS. Monday June 7th will be a full day and Tuesday June 8th will also be a full day (and the last day of school)! Please call HMS if you have any questions.
Good Morning, please be advised that there is construction on Billings road that is impacting commute to HMS in the morning. We are going to mark students Tardy Excused for 5/18 but please plan accordingly starting tomorrow. Thank you!
We are now opening the school doors at 7:15 for student arrival. Students who arrive between 7:15 and 7:30 will wait in the gymnasium in their grade level section of the bleachers and then be dismissed to homeroom at 7:30. Students who ride the bus will continue to arrive at their normal times.
We are now opening school doors at 7:15 for student arrival. Students who arrive between 7:15 and 7:30 will wait in the gymnasium in their grade level section until 7:30 and then be dismissed to their homeroom. Students who ride the bus will continue to arrive at their normal time.
Just a reminder that next week (13-16) is Spring into the Arts. Students will only being coming to school on their in person days! No virtual login on their "off" days! Thank you
Virtual Days- Just a reminder that tomorrow starts our "virtual days" for all students grade 5-8, with two EXCEPTIONS, Science 7 (two days only) and Science 5 (till after April Vacation)!..."Science 7 students please check Google Classroom at the scheduled time your would have signed on to google meets. There will be a video posted from me (Mrs. Lovejoy) in their classwork post for the day. Thank you"
Monday, March 15th will be a school day for the Wednesday & Friday cohort. They will attend Monday and Wednesday where there is a teacher in-service day on Friday, March 19th.
8th Grade Parents/Guardians - Please do not sign your student up for Freshman classes yet. We will have a dedicated time/day to do this in homeroom classes as a group sometime after March 17th.
We sincerely apologize for any confusion. Please call the school if you have further questions.
Congratulations to Cody Oliveira for winning the Hermon Middle School Geography Bee on Wednesday February 24th!
Just a reminder that this Monday, February 8th, will be an in-person day for our T/Th students (last names A-K) due to the snow day from earlier this week. If you have a student who attends on T/Th, they will attend classes next week( Feb 8th - 12th) on Monday/Tuesday/Thursday.
Please call the school if you have any questions.
If you missed our Virtual Family Support Night with Chris McLaughlin, you can check it out here!